Introduction. It has been 7 months since I joined Morecambe GC, which, apart from the weather has been really enjoyable. I have meet some lovely people and the rest of the “team” seem to have a passion and real connection with the club. My initial thoughts regarding prioritising projects and aims was based on my early days. Unfortunately, 2017 was a far from average year weather wise. The total for the year was only slightly above average at 1,017mm. But the year was divided up with the first 6 months having just 259mm and the last 6 months having 758mm! That’s 50% more rainfall than average in 6 months. This has had a major impact on the management and playability of the course. Winter work programme . The original intention this Autumn/Winter was to improve drainage, remove trees, extend Tee areas and renovate and improve bunkers. A great deal of drainage work and tree removal has already taken place to great effect, but no Tee or bunker work. I propose that we concentra